Subtle Energy - Reviews & Comments
important work and one can be grateful that such a work has burst upon us
at this critical juncture in the history of this planet. This book has one
of the nicest dedications we have come across for a long time and shows a
great generosity of spirit. ... On the basis of this book, even more deep
thinkers will no doubt emerge to expand on the subject, creating more energy
and enhance the whole new phase we have entered upon. ... Perhaps we have
a new classic here, so sorely needed ... it is such a change from the many
books where the old knowledge keeps on being served up again and again in
42 different ways like Cous Cous.
Johan Quanjer, New Humanity Journal, UK
Brings the world of subtle energies into sharp focus. A mine of information about how our body and mind work. A unique and important book.
Nicholas Jones, Beyond Science
Compelling ... In reading this well presented and cogently argued work the reader might be forgiven for suspecting that he holds in his hand the very first textbook relating to twenty-first century technology.
David Barclay, The Unknown, UK
No aspect of energy is omitted.
David Lorimer, Scientific and Medical Network Newsletter
Expresses an inclusive vision. ... Makes visible a rich and unfamiliar universe of which we are all already a part.
Link Up, UK
Lucidly charts the manifold expressions of subtle energy. ... an important, informative synthesis of many fields of research, yet one couched on the holistic premise of "merging science with a spiritually based philosophy."
East West, USA
Goes a long way to rectifying this (massive ignorance and scepticism concerning subtle energies etc) from a theoretical and a practical point of view. ...Shows how to ...make the very best of subtle energies without hocus pocus.
Human Potential Resources, UK
This book is a very thorough study of the subject of subtle energy, regarded by many to be the science of the future. The reader should be prepared for a journey that stretches from the earliest concepts of cosmology, as found in Sanskrit and Taoist texts, through present day understanding of physics, and into the future when we might be talking of a multidimensional universe, of scalar electromagnetic theory and of virtual field engineering.
John Davidson has realized that an understanding of the true nature of all things needs both spiritual concepts and new dimensions of physics which stretch beyond relativity and quantum mechanics. In this book we are introduced to some important concepts of mystic reality, (Ayurvedic and Taoist cosmology and their respective energy pathways and patterns as they relate to use in medicine).
This book is more than a presentation of a subject; it has vision and seems to be the fruit of several decades of research as a scientist, scholar and spiritually-minded person. To me it is the Tao of Physics for vibrational healing. Highly recommended reading.
F.E. Staeller, S.E.M., B.Ac., M.B.Ac.A., British Journal of Acupuncture, UK
A satisfying review ... Draws on practical experiences of what he describes, his text evokes credibility and may satisfy most readers that they are indeed saving years of searching for such information. The presentation is aesthetically pleasing and is international. May pioneer a wave of comprehensive works on alternative health research.
Monique Michaud, Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter, Canada
Describes in detail the vast areas of field and force that lie outside that tiny part of the spectrum to which human senses are sensitive. It describes how some energies are detectable by man-made equipment and how others are accessible to those with highly developed psychic sensitivity. There is valuable material on the natural energies of magnetism, gravity and ionization and how they affect us, and about both the beneficial and harmful potentialities of their artificial counterparts. The energy fields in and around the human body and its cells are explained very carefully and are related to the classical forms of therapy such as homoeopathy, acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine.
Bill Heilbronn, Spectrum, British Wheel of Yoga, UK
Simon Martin, Here's Health Magazine, UK
An area of absorbing interest where science and parascience can come together to understand the world we live in.
Light, USA
This is the most comprehensive book I've seen on the subject of life energy. I'm sure many SSC readers would enjoy this book.
Janice Lewis Freeman, Spiritual Studies Center Newsletter, USA
In reviewing the material you sent us, I have seen a lifetime of enlightenment fall into place. ... Your work has given me the link that connects these (meditation, Creative Intelligence, physics etc.), and other simpler, seemingly unrelated, principles together. I thank you for your work and insight, and I will look for further clarifications that you will provide.
David Atkinson, Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Canada
I found it extremely interesting and informative, filling in many gaps I had not realized before, especially the scalar wave theory. This could explain a lot. An exciting book, should be compulsory reading in many of the learned institutions.
H.L.B., Surrey, UK
The clearest and most inclusive book I have ever seen.
G.W., Saskatchewan, Canada
Your ideas are new and interesting, not just a re-hash of someone else's.
Dr. A.R., Lancaster University, UK
A unique and comprehensive viewpoint, extremely well researched and presented.
T.B., Durban, South Africa
Very much interesting and valuable, very interesting indeed.
Dr. S.I, Japan
Your style of writing is good and lucid.
Prof. K.S.N., Punjab, India
A mine of information from a sensible and educated standpoint. I am most grateful to you.
Z.B., Plymouth, Devon, UK
S.B., London
K.J., Aberystwyth, UK
You have probed the domain which was considered beyond the realm of science. ... After reading Subtle Energy I gave two lectures to college lecturers. They were happy to know that what Indian Rishis and Gurus have written, some scientist in the west has established its truth.
Prof. H.S.V., Dept. of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India
One of the best books I have ever read on energy and its practical application.
V.R., Riblake, Wisconsin, USA
My husband and I have recently read your book, Subtle Energy with care and appreciation. The open-minded way you explore, expose, synthesize and speculate is encouraging and gratifying. We find ourselves, as a result, stimulated and inspired in the pursuit of our personal path to perfection.
F.R., Ellicot City, Maryland, USA
The book is really good - the spiritual aspect exceptionally appealing and concise. Please let us know when your new books are available.
J.G., South Africa
S.S., London, UK
I very much enjoyed reading it.
P.K., Montreal, Canada
Extremely interesting and one of the very few books on these subjects that puts things in perspective.
L.A.F., Connecticut, USA
Very informative and thoroughly enjoyable. We are recommending it to friends and associates.
K.E., Toronto, Canada
Enjoyed it very much.
G.G., California, USA
Absolutely riveted.
A.M., Cheshire, UK
Enjoyed to the full. The author is brave. Very few would dare risk their reputations, as he does, in his book.
Dr. B.R., Moss Vale, Australia
I am so thankful to have come across your fine book. It has been an eye opener about myself and my surroundings. It has set me thinking a lot about what a human being is. Furthermore, I feel a need to re-learn about my world.
A.M. Florin, London
Congratulations on your Subtle Energy book, the publication of which has been eagerly awaited. The contents have, as usual, been thoroughly researched and written in your easy, comprehensive way but with a terminology that can be understood by the lay person. I love the way you have incorporated the Eastern and Western approaches to Man and the Cosmos, and how different therapies approach healing - the scientific meeting the mystic.
Dr Yao's Pulsors were given full coverage, quite rightly so. Surely the efficacy of this treatment will soon come into its own. From personal experience a truly remarkable and effective way of balancing subtle energies.
The section on Miasms and Vibrational Patterns of Disease was of particular interest to me and you have explained the cause and effect with great clarity.
A great deal of hard work but well worth the effort. Hope that it goes into 10th or 11th reprint. (The cover is very eye catching and appropriate.)
G.H., Berkshire, UK
Quite a wonderful contribution. I very much appreciated your literary effort, as I believe it makes a contribution to the 'common good'.
S.P., Arizona, USA
Read with great enthusiasm.
N.R., Poona, India
Nice work that Subtle Energy.
R.C., Biological Harmonics Institute, Texas, USA
I am thoroughly enjoying it and stimulated by the quality of thought which you poured into it.
R.V., Nevada City, USA
I am very impressed by it. ... I was really impressed with your wholistic approach in your book.
A.D., New York, USA
I have read with much pleasure your interesting book, rich in information.
T.D., Philadelphia, USA
I read you book with great enthusiasm and have recommended it to some of my colleagues. I am particularly interested in scalar wave theory.
L.J.V., Massachssetts, USA
Like the way you express yourself.
N.W., Frankfurt, West Germany
Very interesting. Thank you for having the courage to stand up and be counted.
P.M., London, UK
So admirably explains so many things which I have thought about. Congratulations on a fine book. Thank you for the contribution to New Age thinking.
M.B., Nova Scotia, Canada
Fascinating and very informative ... Linked much of my own thought, reading and research and activities, albeit in a way far superior to my tentative formulations.
B.G., Rochdale, Lancashire, UK
As a scientist who has worked in solid state (crystallography) physics, I found it most stimulating.
T.N., London, UK
Subtle Energy was great, by the way. Most stimulating.
L.A., Cornwall, UK
I enjoyed your book.
Dr W.K., West Harrison, Indiana, USA
Read with interest ... It is indeed a great eye-opener for myself.
Y Y Lee, Singapore
The work that you and your company are doing through your books ... is right in the forefront of the process of renewing the face of the earth and all that dwells thereon!
L.G., UK
Your brilliant book, Subtle Energy!
M.P., London, UK
Your penetrating work on Subtle Energy. The science of vibratory harmonics is certainly a very fascinating one.
B.D., Buckinghamshire, UK
I congratulate you for bringing together precise information about a lot of subjects previously disconnected.
A.M.R., Madrid, Spain
I would like to congratulate you and let you know that you have my full appreciation and support for your work. What you have expressed in the words of a 'Western educated person' is what I have felt for a long time, but have been unable to express as such.
A.M., London, UK
I would like to say that I enjoyed Subtle Energy enormously.
K.P., Perthshire, UK
I would like to offer my warmest congratulations on your book Subtle Energy which I have recently read. It is a magnificent achievement and a work of which the content truly meets the needs of the present day when we see Science and Mysticism coming together; each beginning to realise that they are both studying the same thing - energy, but one within and the other without, and complementing each other. You put this over so well.
P.R., Crowborough, East Sussex, UK
I have just finished reading your book Subtle Energy and am most pleased by the quality of your information and your intuition. Your synthesis of "scientific" research with the eastern/Ayurvedic approach is done from a unique and refreshing viewpoint, very different from what I have read by U.S. authors. It seems that you have access to a tremendous amount of information that is either not available in this country or has been so suppressed by the medical/economic establishment that it is nearly impossible to get here. ... Thank you for your wonderful efforts in research, writing and growth.
A.D.B., Shelton, WA, USA
Looking forward to reading your new books. Your book Subtle Energy was one of the better books on the subject. I hope you continue to write such excellent books.
C.C.N, Houston, Texas, USA
I am enjoying your book Subtle Energy so much!
T.W., Almeda, California, USA
Interesting and instructive.
M.N., Japan
I have just read your book, Subtle Energy. I find it absolutely excellent as it speaks to my own "Inner Truth", and that for me is a test of what is right on, I could say, the correct path for my life.
L.W., Glastonbury, Somerset, UK
I am thrilled to receive a copy of John Davidson's book Subtle Energy. I am only disappointed that I hadn't received it earlier! The information it contains is something that creates excitement in me. It is important to me to explore these areas further. ... Has John Davidson produced any further books or articles?
S.S.-B., Hong Kong
The effect that reading Subtle Energy had on me (three years ago) was quite startling to me. It wasn't like learning something new, more like waking up to something that has been there all along. Since that time I have read all the "New Age" literature I could lay my hands on.
B.A., Grandtully, UK
Recently I read your book Subtle Energy and found it extremely interesting.
G.D., Co. Dublin, Ireland
We have studied this very interesting book from you.... The facts about this subtle energy-forms is fascinating. It comes not only from the naked intellectual source, it comes also from the deep sides of your heart!
A. & S. F.-H., Bern, Switzerland
Enjoyed your book, Subtle Energy.
D.P., Manchester, UK
I have been reading your book Subtle Energy with great interest.
S.G., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK
A great book.
A.P., Union, New Jersey, USA
I have been reading your book Subtle Energy with great interest and enjoyment.
W.J.R., Poole, Dorset, UK
Please congratulate John Davidson for his fine book.
B.R., Morgannwg Ganol, Glamorgan, UK
Eagerly awaiting The Web of Life. Please add my name to the waiting list.
G.H., AIM for Health, Berkshire, UK