Natural Creation and the Formative Mind - Reviews and Comments
have been several authors who have drawn together the separate strands of
Science and Mysticism and described the 'World View' which unites them. John
Davidson has, however, an exceptional gift in presenting a picture that is
both illuminating and readable.... In his new and enthralling book, John Davidson
offers a challenging analysis of the nature of consciousness and its relationship
to the Supreme Consciousness. What is unique in his study of consciousness
is that it is not limited to that of humanity, but extends to that of the
animal and vegetable kingdoms.
He describes in depth the nature of the perceptive mechanisms, sometimes much keener than ours and sometimes utterly unlike our own, possessed by 'simpler' animals (and even plants).... Most important of all, he explains how consciousness is not the product of the living cell, just as life itself is not the result of molecular forces, but is a reflection of the 'thought patterns' of the Supreme Consciousness of God.
Bill Heilbronn, Spectrum, British Wheel of Yoga
In Natural Creation and the Formative Mind, John Davidson transports us from the physical material world into the subtle, ever moving, ever changing, yet ever constant world of the universal mind. He reveals the wonders of nature, presenting a panorama of life played, enacted and displayed by the entire world of nature with more perception and unerring instinct than man can possibly conceive.
We learn to see, to feel, to hear beyond the visible forms that surround us with a finer, more sensitive mystical vision, enabling us to become acutely aware of the vibrations and significance of the cosmic energy dance, so that we come to the realization that the apparent world perceived through our senses is entirely and wholly directed and created by the universal and formative mind.
All species of life, their behaviour, thinking and instinctive processes are examined and investigated revealing a fascinating arena teeming with intelligent and meaningful purpose, displaying a dynamic and complex tapestry of mind energy beyond all outward form and activity.
It is borne upon us that despite apparent differences in character, attitudes and beliefs, we are all one with the natural world, one with all living, all parts of the great whole, linked and united in this swirling vortex of energy, maintained, sustained and nourished by the universal formative mind, all a manifestation of God's love and the divine will for His creation....
Thinking and thoughtful individuals cannot help but be enthralled with the writings of John Davidson; he brings order out of chaos, portraying a credible insight into the mystical and scientific worlds, sweeping us boldly and enthusiastically into advanced and raised levels of thinking and awareness as we enter the 21st century and the present New Age.
Doris Middleton, Beyond, The Seekers Trust, Addington, Kent
What is life? Are living organisms merely complex biochemical machines? Or is there more to life than molecules? Despite the work of Rupert Sheldrake and others, present-day biology is still haunted by mechanistic dogma - the fruits of a 'bottom-up' approach that takes matter as the fundamental reality.
John Davidson's approach is radically different. His new book presents a top-down approach to nature, from the perspective of the perennial philosophy. The natural world is an expression of the divine mind, and we cannot understand it properly without appreciating the Source behind all things. Davidson's view is that of the mystic - the outer form is the manifestation of a deeper inner reality.
While his preoccupation is with the Undifferentiated One, Davidson revels in the diversity of the Creation. He writes from a love of nature, as a keen student of the detail of animal form and behaviour. His book is in part a celebration of the sheer cleverness in nature - evidence for him not only of design but of mind at work in the day-to-day life of all creatures. Davidson, for instance, reviews the extraordinary repertoire of animal behaviour, both instinctive and learnt. Such phenomena as the songs of whales, the migratory patterns of eels and birds, and ability of pigeons to learn, reveal to him such clear evidence of purpose and cognitive ability that mind and intelligence must be involved. How can behaviour be reduced to DNA, he asks? "Are we saying that (migratory) routes maps can be encoded into the DNA of just one germ cell? ... DNA and mental abilities are two radically different things. Mind is not to be found in molecules any more than the works of Shakespeare were to be found in his genes." ...
Davidson writes with the conviction of privileged insight.... For me, the book is at its best when discussing the precise relationship between inner principles and outer form. There are tantalizing glimpses here of a genuine science - involving new explanatory principles. The account of the different classes of creature and their relationship to the tattwas, for instance, is fascinating. The development of these ideas is something to look forward to in the later books in the series.
Ultimately, this is not so much a work of science as a prolonged meditation on the inwardness of the natural world. Much is outside the realm of biology as we know it.... For science is not Davidson's ultimate concern. His aim is to help ease people back into a spiritual understanding and consciousness.... The book is written with passion and conviction. Davidson is a distinctive voice among those seeking to revive the ancient tradition of understanding nature as sacred, and many people will enjoy this exposition of nature as "the living, visible, garment of God."
Peter Hewitt, Scientific and Medical Network Newsletter
This book is written mainly from an inner experiential or subjective viewpoint of the author, as he reflects upon numerous phenomena of the living world. John Davidson is uniquely qualified to do so, with both a Cambridge University science degree, and many years spent following a mystical path. The book does not represent any particular mystical tradition, but makes numerous connections to the perennial wisdom of the East, which, coupled with biology, makes for a rare and original combination. Themes of cosmic wholeness, consciousness, universal mind, and subtle levels of being are interwoven with facts about animal behaviour, botany, miracles, psychic phenomena, healing, morphogenic fields, and more. Since everything is linked together at a deep fundamental level, Davidson shows how we can feel a cosmic kinship with all creatures, as members of one community.
One central theme is that the subtle, non-physical realms are primary, whereas the physical level of things is derivatory. Davidson might be considered a 'mentalist'. For example, he maintains that the brain is "only our way of experiencing mind at the level of sense experience ... an analysis of sensory experience"....
Throughout the book, Davidson is not trying to invalidate science, but to put it in a wider context of knowing. Spiritual evolution is seen as shifting one's perception away from the tip-of-the-iceberg level of science, to a higher or more inward level, toward the source of beingness itself. Meditation is the path indicated.
This book may serve to reroute our attention from the material pursuits if everyday life to a level frequently ignored in our culture, the inner domain with all its richness. However, it assumes that the reader already possesses an openness to explore these realms. Moreover, the author does not attempt to justify intellectually or philosophically why he assumes his position.
Dr Beverly Rubik, Temple University, Center for Frontier Sciences, Philadelphia
Some challenging and radical reading is promised by the publisher's blurb on the cover of John Davidson's latest book. In my opinion it has all of this. The author has a broad knowledge and understanding of natural history and wildlife, and I forgive his references to "doggies" and "pussies", which I feel are an indication of his great love and reverence for all living things....
This book is a good read and I found it difficult to put down. It explains much of the behaviour of the living world and while one does not have to accept a premise it is often possible to enjoy its construction.
Joyce Galley, Radionics Quarterly
This book is aimed at all with a predilection for natural mystic philosophy. If that does not mean you, read it anyway and I doubt if you will ever view the universe in quite the same way again.... I particularly enjoyed his observations on intention and mental telepathy. "The subtle vibrations of our mind reach out and touch the minds of others." ... John Davidson presents a perspective matrix that unites forms, past, present, and to come, in a challenging revelation. To understand this book is to begin to understand a wholistic world.
G.M. Sahay, British Journal of Acupuncture
Brings together science and spirituality in an astonishing and elegantly argued vision of nature and unity of creation.
Johan Quanjer, The New Humanity
Concerning your books on the formative mind, I am very interested in such territory, but find it very difficult to interest my colleagues sufficiently for them to give me space on such subjects. So many thanks for thinking of me, and assurances that I am continually looking for opportunities to tackle 'wider' viewpoints in the paper.
N.H., Sunday Times Newspaper, London (1993)
W. White, Leeds, UK
Highly revealing and refreshing!
J.P., Athens
Extremely interesting!
Howard Kent, Yoga for Health Foundation, Ickwell Bury, Biggleswade, UK
We do so appreciate receiving your books for review. So stimulating and so much knowledge. I have recommended them to so many people, and make sure they are lunchtime conversation, especially when entertaining our conference speakers. Every success and blessing on your work.... Indeed, yes, quite apart from the privilege of reviewing, I personally admire your writing, knowledge and research tremendously, in fact cannot really speak of it too highly. We are taken right into and beyond New Age thinking, and encouraged to raise our levels of thinking and perceptions of awareness to the highest possible level. Mankind is enriched with the knowledge you so expertly and agreeably present.
Doris Middleton, The Seekers Trust, Addington, Kent
I have enjoyed reading your work very much, and find it expresses something that for some little time now I have been feeling and unable to express.
K.C., London
I am currently reading with delight as well as interest, Natural Creation and the Formative Mind, which manages to express in language feelings and awareness intuited personally over the years. Including, many years ago, the inner glimpse of a bird as its component energy forms, giving me a clue then as to why a bird is a bird, a rabbit a rabbit, etc. Good to read this confirmed in understandable words - words being but the hooks we try to hang our thoughts on. As a Virgo-Earth sign, I have great need to 'ground' my inner intuition, to bring it into practical representation. The 'squaring of the circle' I call it. John Davidson's work appears to do just that. I look forward to more of it.
L.M., Mejlan, France